Release the Kraken - Dapp Roadmap

Join us as we embark on the exciting journey of Kraken's evolution!


Roadmap Overview

Phase 1: Beta Launch (Day 0 - Day 30)

Launch Beta Version: Release the first beta of the Dapp with essential functions and features.

Point System for Kraken Feeding: Introduce a point-based system for Kraken feeding.

Purple Octopus Artworks: Community competition for purple octopus designs (rewards in RTK tokens).

Phase 2: Initial Updates & Features (Day 30 - Day 60)

Point Ranking System: Implement a ranking system based on accumulated points.

NFT Integration: Release limited-edition NFTs for top users.

NFT Marketplace: Introduce a marketplace for trading Kraken-related NFTs.

Phase 3: Liquidity and Advanced Features (Day 60 - Day 90)

Liquidity Pool Integration: Integrate liquidity pools on all DEXs.

Mini-Game On-Chain: Launch a mini-game for points and tokens.

Staking Mechanism: Implement staking to earn rewards, including RTK tokens.

Phase 4: Full Launch & Community Expansion (90 Days & Beyond)

Full Public Launch: Transition from Beta to a fully operational Dapp.

Regular Updates & New Features: Monthly updates introducing new features.
New Chat System: A chat system with user ranks displayed alongside usernames.

User Feedback Loop: Continue gathering feedback from the community.